Province of : Limburg
City : Lommel
Address : Weijerken 16
Postal code : 3920
Year of the sundial : 1998
Project leader : Wim Geerts
Author of the sundial : Wim Geerts
Photo : Wim Geerts
Type : Vertical
Remark :
This sundial looks somewhat unusual: the time lines zigzag and the concentric lines show the date. The style shadow is quite straight but there is no straight line on the table it can refer to.
The date is read where the style shadow crosses a date arc circle.
A sundial does not 'work' when the Sun is not yet arisen or is already set. The limits are writen on the table.
The dial is designed for legal time. The time lines are thus taking the equation of time into account as well as the longitude shift of Lommel, all starting from local time.
The Lommel sundial is yet a bit more complicated, as it is not facing South. There is a 3.5° declination - which must be taken into account for the computing.
The pattern on the drawing shown hier correspond to a South facing dial. This is the reason why the lines are symetrical regarding noon.

3 pictures for this sundial:

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