Province of : Limburg
City : Sint-Truiden
Address : Begijnhof
Postal code : 3800
place : Above the Festraets clockwork
Year of the sundial : ~1942
Project leader : Kamiel Festraets
Author of the sundial : Kamiel Festraets
Photo : Willy Leenders (2009)
Type : Vertical
Remark :
This dial is an artist implementation that works with the shadow of electric light.
It is located on a 6m high astronomical clock, the highest ever made. Kamiel Festraets (1904-1974) has worked on it from 1937 to 1942. It is made of more than 20,000 pieces. This clockwork is shown in a exhibition building in the begijnhof of Sint-Truiden.
There are other constructons from Kamiel Festraets in the same room. A ship is shown to demonstrate the effects of the tides all over the world. There is an implementation of the Foucault pendulum. A didactic model illustrates the movement os the Earth around the Sun.
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