Year of the sundial : 2005
Project leader : Willy Leenders
Author of the sundial : Jean Vandeweert en Schreurs Technisch Graveren
Photo : Willy Leenders (2005)
More details : see here
Remark :
Computing: Willy Leenders
Text: 11 JULI VLAAMSE FEESTDAG (Jul, 11 Feast of the Flemish community)
The Marninxring sundial is a special case of a horizontal sundial. You can find some in various places in Flanders, particularly at members of the Internationale Serviceclub Marninxring.
The shadow of the style indicates the local true time on a the circular logo of the 'serviceclub'. There is a bowl on the style. The shadow of this bowl is to be been all day long of Jul, 11, feast of the Flemish community, on a dotted curved line.
This stainless metal sundial has a 32 cm diameter. Its feet has a 15 cm diameter and a height of 3,5 cm.
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