Province of : Limburg
City : Leopoldsburg
Address : Englebert Adanglaan 49
Postal code : 3970
place : Front facade
Year of the sundial : 2002
Project leader : Architect Raf Nijsen
Photo : Marie-Paul Fannes, chairwoman of the local history club (2008)
Type : Vertical
Remark :
This stainless steel sundial is nice with its sober form. The wall where it is located makes a 3° angle with the South. Due to some inaccuracies it is more a facade ornament than a sundial.
The style that should make an angle with the wall equal to the complement of the latitude (so 90-51=39 in Leopoldsburg) makes an agle equal to 42°. It should therefore better be placed in Middel France, South Germany or North Austria.

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