Year of the sundial : 1993
Project leader : Willy Ory
Author of the sundial : Willy Ory
Photo : Willy Ory (2007)
More details : see here
Remark :
This sundial is a small copy from the one in the playground of the college in Beringen, also due to Willy Ory. Thanks to the white wall one can see the dial at its best, better than the one the school.
The sundial not only shows the time but the dates as well. A small bowl on the style shows its shadow on the wall. The linked dots on the time lines indicate the beginning of the signs of the zodiac. The place the bowl shadow hits the wall shows since how long the Sun is in the sign.
In the building one can find astronomical devices. The dome of the observatory has been destroyed due to fire and removed. Instead one can now see an armillary sphere. This sphere represents the heaven sphere the heaven equator and the local meridian. They act as reference for locating objects in the sky.
The little bear with the letters UMI is a reference to the constellation: UMI = Ursus Minor (The Small Bear) and to the bear in the coat of arms of Beringen.
2 pictures for this sundial:
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