Province of : Limburg
City : Beringen
Address : Collegestraat 1
Postal code : 3581
place : Sint-Jozefscollege
Year of the sundial : 1993
Project leader : Willy Ory
Author of the sundial : Willy Ory and Etienne Beckx
Photo : Annemie America (city of Hasselt) (2000)
Type : Vertical, declining East
Remark :
This sundial not only shows time but also dates. A small bowl on the style displays a shadow on the wall. Les curved lines indicates dates and the beginnings of the zodiacal signs. The position of the bowl shadow indicates since how long the Sun travels within the sign.
Willy Ory has made a smaller copy of this sundial in his backyard. His dial table is white which highlights it. As far as the sundial in the college is concerned, there is too little contrast between the (too thin) lines and the (too small) numbers and letters on one hand and the brick wall on the other hand.
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