Province of : Limburg
City : Genk
Address : Molenstraat
Postal code : 3600
place : Zonnewijzerpark in the Molenvijverpark
Year of the sundial : 1999
Project leader : Jan Kragten and Fer de Vries (Nederland)
Author of the sundial : De Nieuwe Scheldewerken nv
Photo : Annemie America (city of Hasselt) (2000)
Type : Sonius tree
Remark :
This sundial is made of two plates with a slit for the hours and half-hours. One can read the time when the direction of the Sun corresponds with a alignment of two slits. The front slit indicates the hour or teh half-hour.
Inside the slits of the front plate there is some matt glass in order never to look directly the Sun through the slit, but just see the light.
Evenmore the slits on the back plate are thicker than the front ones so that the Sun may begin to shine earlier that the exact time.
The dial has the form of a designed tree. The first mas who created this kind of sundial was the Dutchman Sonius, hence the name 'Sonius tree'
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