Province of : East-Flanders
City : Gent
Address : Botermarkt / Poeljemarkt
Postal code : 9000
place : Town Hall
Year of the sundial : 1618 (?)
Restoration : 1998
Project leader : H. Dejonghe
Author of the sundial : D. van der Loeff
Photo : 1998
Type : Multiple
Remark :
There is a sundial on each of the four vertical faces of the cubic chimney of the building (more of less SW, SE, NW and NE at 35 m high).
They are 1,5 x 1,5 m and are made of golden and silvered steel.
The metalic constructions are incrusted in the stone.
The golden lines represent the timelines, the silver lines the datelines. In opposition to the original sundials (which disappeared together with the original chimney) they give our current wintertime (M.E.T.).

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