Province of : Flemish-Brabant
City : Humbeek
Address : Crossroads of Kerkstraat and Romuldusstraat
Postal code : 1851
Year of the sundial : 2013
Project leader : Luc Binst and Edwin Remmerie (Crepain Binst Architecture nv)
Author of the sundial : Luc Binst and Edwin Remmerie (Crepain Binst Architecture nv)
Material : Frosted glass, electronics
Photo : 2013
Type : Vertical (cylinder)
Remark :
Sundial advises and computation : Willy Leenders (Zonnewijzerkring Vlaanderen zvw)
The sundial is made of a 3,60m high cylinder, with a diameter equal to 1,80m. It is set up on a 1m high metal base. The shadow of a 10cm bowl is projected inside the cylinder and is visible outside due to the fact it is made of frosted glass. This shadow indicates the time as well as the date. There are hour lines for each entire hour and date lines for the beginning of each season. The time shown is the local solar time.
From sunset to sunrise, a programmed laser beam creates a spot to indicate the time from the soil.
Each evening and night, the white frosted glass is illuminated in a magical way.
The sundial has been set up from an initiative of André Lombaerts (Humbeek Sas Events) to celebrate the Humbeek millennium, as well as for William Le Page (Humbeek 1688). Le Page was priest and mathematician. He became professor of the university of Leuven, he has written a book in 1760about sundials making.

15 pictures for this sundial:

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