Year of the sundial : 2000
Project leader : Thierry Danois
Author of the sundial : Richard Boultbee
Photo : Thierry Danois (2005)
Type : It is always time for friends
Motto : seMper aMicis hora
Motto translation : I wish I could stop you
More details : see here
Remark :
This horizontal octogonal sundial has been hand engraved in blue stone from Stonehenge. Its dimensions are 38,2 cm x 38,3 cm (15 inch) with a height of 2 cm.
It gives the hours from 5 to 20, corrected for the local place (TU+1).
The mottoe 'seMper aMicis hora' (it is always time for the friends) contains the chronogram MM, ie 2000, the year the sundial was made.

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